Power Infrastructure
Civil Constructions Constructions


Merging and growing Romania’s outstanding broadband and other infrastructures

Our focus should be on how we can turn high broadband speed into meaningful advantages on the Digital Economy and Society Index, says Teofil Mureşan, chairman of the board at Electrogrup. He talked to Jerry Cameron about the need for consolidation in the market as well as the impact infrastructure sharing might have on the economy. We recently spoke to Matteo Patrone, Director for Romania at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), who said that one of the challenges for Romania is the infrastructure gap, and in particular in the transport sector, which is both a hindering factor for further economic development and a cause for regional inequality. How do you view the development of infrastructure in the country over the last decades? Generally speaking, the stage that the infrastructure in our country is at currently creates huge disadvantages for Romanian companies. Although it has been developing over the last 20 years, in Romania, there is still discrepancy between the infrastructure in our country and European standards. I consider the biggest one to be in transportation. Apart from the telecommunication infrastructure, all other infrastructures, such as power and gas, water, transportation, railway etc., need important investments. Over the past 20 years we have seen differences between the development of the telecommunication and energy infrastructure. Telecommunication operators, which are large ...
Campia Turzii Power Station, modernized following a 10 mil. euro investment
in BLOG, Press Release

In mid-November, together with National Power Transmission and System Operator Transelectrica SA, we inaugurated the Campia Turzii 220/110/20 kV Power Station. Following a 10 mil. euro investment, the works consisted in the complete refurbishment of the power station, including primary and secondary equipment, SCADA system, the telecontrol of the station from the National and Territorial […]

Electrogrup, one of the finalist companies of the „Made in Romania” project
in BLOG, Press Release

Electrogrup was nominated by a jury of specialists as one of the finalist companies of the “Made in Romania” project, initiated by Bucharest Stock Exchange. As a manner of concluding the project, Bucharest Stock Exchange released the “Made in Romania: 15 companies for the growth of the Romanian economy and their unique stories”, which includes […]

Netcity Telecom continues the expansion of the underground fiber optic network of Bucharest
in BLOG, Press Release

Netcity Telecom continues the expansion of the underground fiber optic network of Bucharest with a private financing of over 30 million euros Netcity Telecom has signed on April 19, 2018 an amendment and increase of its EUR 36 million club loan facility with a new facility of EUR 10 million with a syndicate of two […]

Four scholarships, 15.000 euro each, at EMBA University of Hull
in BLOG, Press Release

For those interested in taking a step forward in their professional and personal development, Banca Transilvania, Electrogrup and SIF Moldova, in partnership with Ziarul Financiar, Biziday.ro and Republica.ro, offer four scholarships, 15.000 euro each, at the EMBA University of Hull. The scholarship covers the tuition for the two years of study at the first 100% […]

Electrogrup partners with FC Universitatea Cluj for the next 3 season
in BLOG, Press Release

The partnership between Electrogrup, a leading company in infrastructure construction, and the most beloved team in Transylvania extends over the next three seasons, to support FC Universitatea Cluj. Through the tradition that links it to the history of the city and of Transylvania region, through its more than 1.000 club members, through the six universities […]

Eximbank grants Electrogrup financial package
in Press Release

In April this year, Eximbank granted Electrogrup a financial package of 11 million euros, intended for export services… Phasellus eleifend sapien quam, ut euismod ante fringilla eget. Cras ut libero porttitor, dapibus ante non, lacinia odio. Curabitur id eros vitae elit feugiat commodo ut eu justo. Pellentesque sed porta libero, venenatis fermentum lacus. Vivamus commodo […]

Eximbank grants Electrogrup financial package
in MEDIA, Press Release

In April, this year, EximBank granted Electrogrup a financial package of 11 million euros, intended for export services. The financial package includes a multi-product credit, to provide the working capital needed to run the company’s current business and a guarantee threshold for the export activity. This agreement demonstrates EximBank’s flexibility and capability to provide the […]

Merging and growing Romania’s outstanding broadband and other infrastructures
in Press Release

Our focus should be on how we can turn high broadband speed into meaningful advantages on the Digital Economy and Society Index, says Teofil Mureşan, chairman of the board at Electrogrup. He talked to Jerry Cameron about the need for consolidation in the market as well as the impact infrastructure sharing might have on the economy. […]

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