All posts by: Danco

by in BLOG, Press Release

Electrogrup, one of the finalist companies of the „Made in Romania” project

Electrogrup was nominated by a jury of specialists as one of the finalist companies of the “Made in Romania” project, initiated by Bucharest Stock Exchange. As a manner of concluding the project, Bucharest Stock Exchange released the “Made in Romania: 15 companies for the growth of the Romanian economy and their unique stories”, which includes […]

by in BLOG, Press Release

Electrogrup partners with FC Universitatea Cluj for the next 3 season

The partnership between Electrogrup, a leading company in infrastructure construction, and the most beloved team in Transylvania extends over the next three seasons, to support FC Universitatea Cluj. Through the tradition that links it to the history of the city and of Transylvania region, through its more than 1.000 club members, through the six universities […]



EXTERNAL PROJECTS - GERMANY In Germany, we carry out complex projects in the field of energy infrastructure and civil engineering infrastructure, such as: residential ensembles; office buildings; industrial platforms; electrical installations.
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100% British MBA

We believe the public-private partnership to be extremely important in providing quality services in managerial education. This is the reason why we proudly support the first 100% British MBA in Romania. The project is a collaboration between Babes-Bolyai University, University of Hull (UK), Banca Transylvania and Electrogrup. view MBA UBB

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In collaboration with the Danis Foundation, we are part of the EduPractic program, which addresses a double need. On one hand, it offers the students from technical schools the chance to add field experience to their theoretical knowledge acquired in schools. On the other hand, the local business environment is given the chance to train […]

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“Frate de Carte” Scholarship Program

Year by year, we support the scholarship program named “Frate de Carte”, run by Transylvania College. It aims to grant equal chances and access to a better education for children with lower income sources. Therefore, it is addressed to rural and urban students with excellent academic results, who win prizes at contests and school Olympics, […]

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Another dear project of ours is “Collegium. Excellence in Education”. This program encourages excellence in education and innovation by supporting projects with a wide scope, which address a large pool of beneficiaries, both from the current and future generations of pupils and students. It involves setting up spaces which facilitate a practical approach to the […]



EXTERNAL PROJECTS - IRELAND The projects carried out in Ireland consisted of modernizing the existing energy infrastructure: Measurement and diagnosis of electrical networks JT and MT; Upgrading the existing JT and MT power infrastructure.
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